Tuesday 1 July 2008


If I say 'Superhero' or 'Hero', what springs to mind? For me, Hero reminds me of chocolate, and dog buscuits from Asda. Superhero makes me think of a cape rippling in the wind, amazing powers, emotional distress and the struggle of separating right from wrong.

What do superheroes do?

They help save people. They serve a community. They strive to separate good and evil. They have amazing gifts to use for others' benefit. They often remain anonymous. They drop everything to help someone.

Doesn't that sound like an amazing Christian to you?

Helping people be saved, serving people, being completely Holy by removing sin from their life, using their gifts to help others, having humility and being there for other people.

You could be a hero
Heroes do what's right
You could be a hero
You might save a life
You could be a hero, You could join the fight
For what's right.

(Superchick- Hero)

Through Christ, we are all called to join the fight for what's right, and good.

Phillipians 4:8
Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.

Spiritual warfare has no weapon but the word of God. We're called to follow him, which is easier than it sounds sometimes. We, as Christians, are to fight the good fight.

Soldiers of our God, arise!
The day is drawing nearer;
Shake the slumber from your eyes,
The light is growing clearer.
Sit no longer idly by,
While the heedless millions die;
Lift the blood-stained banner high,
And take the field for Jesus.

The real Heroes in this world are the single mothers who manage to raise a child well. Or the person who has the courage to ask if you need some help. The ones who accept people for who they are, and refuse to judge them. But the biggest superhero of them all is Jesus. He fought the ultimate fight, and triumphed over death and evil. As cool as his spider-suit is, I don't think Spiderman can do that alone.

1 comment:

Simon Mapleback said...

Nice blog,
I've just started a series on How to be a Hero at our youth meetings here in Melbourne Australia. The first installment is on youtube - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sQsgSxDTLqA if you want to have a look.
Great song too, I love Storm the Forts!!