Wednesday 16 May 2007

What do they know?

If you send a text to a company called AQA (Any Question Answered), they will send one back, telling you the answer to your question. I was intrigued, and figured out in the end, through guessing, then confirmation on their website, that they use databases, and other search engines to answer your question. I asked them 'Who is Elinor Durston?' and they replied, telling me what county I live in, what school I go to (as if I could forget that...) and that I completed the UK intermediate maths challenge last year. Oh, and they told me that my name is French.

This, combined with a hefty amount of revision for R.E (mainly based on prejudice and stereotyping), led me to wonder what people thought about me. When I walk down the street, are they as critical about my appearance as I am? do they even notice the little imperfections (and the bigger ones) which make me myself? Probably not. Would they class me as a 'Greebo', or a 'Chav'? Would they even care? Once again, probably not.

Then the people you meet. Do they know anything about you? Not really. Do they make assumptions, based on what they have heard about you? Probably, yes. But do they know you?

Do any of them know you?
Even your closest friends, the people you are most intimate with. There are still things which they don't know. Some of them tiny, insignificant things which have barely any meaning. Some bigger things, things they have yet to learn about you, but will in time.

The only one who really knows you, regardless of whether you believe he is real or not, is God. He knows everything about you. He knows your real weight, he knows what you think, and what you feel. He cares.

Matthew 10:30

"And even the very hairs of your head are all numbered."

He cares enough to notice these tiny details. So he really does care about the bigger things too.
When you're surrendering to him, saying ' Not my will, but yours.' He is happy. Because you are the safest you have ever been when you're walking with Jesus.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What imperfections? You are a wise & remarkable young lady.