Thursday 24 May 2007


As I turned the computer off a couple of nights ago, I noticed a sign which sometimes appears. It mentions something about installing vital updates... to be honest, I don't see what could be so vital... I mean, my computer has survived the past year or so without them and it's fine. This got me thinking about what is really vital in life.

In GCSE Business studies you are taught what the difference between a 'Need' and a 'Want'. A 'Need' is a basic thing which you cannot survive without, i.e. clothing, shelter, food or water. These are the four needs of life, yet everywhere we turn, there are people without all these vital things we need in order to survive. Homeless people, people living in poverty with no food, water, clothing or shelter.

But there is something even more important and vital than any of these things. A relationship with God is far more vital than any material posession. Yet all around us, there are people without him, people struggling, searching.

'There's someone, somewhere, out there searching deep inside themself for you,
And there's someone, right here, right now, searching despeately for truth.
Everywhere there's people seeking you, and everywhere you're found,
The Comforter, the Stronghold, in you all hope is found. '

A want is something that develops after we have our four basic needs. We begin to get fussy about what food we eat, or what we drink, where we live and what we wear. Eve wasn't content in the garden of Eden when she took the forbidden fruit. Surely she had enough choice... But she wanted it. It's basic human nature to want things we can't have, but if we don't need it, we should bequestioning whether we really ought to have it at all.

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