Monday 12 March 2007

Do we even deserve the choice?

Well I never. Actually, Never say never, as it actually happened. Today I learned a lot in maths... Nothing whatsoever to do with trigonometry, or anything about the Angle in a semi-circle. Today in maths, I learned yet another spiritual lesson.

You would think, that by the age of 16, it wouldn't be a life-or-death situation if somebody sat in 'your' seat. You remember when you were eight, and it was crucial that you had to sit next to your best friends at school. Well, it turns out that it's still crucial. Amazing how people can fight over sitting near their friends, but how many times do you find them fighting to get closer to God?

We should all be pushing to know God more, to be closer to him. And sometimes that means being uncomfortable, maybe sitting in a chair that squeaks discouragement and makes you want to move back to where you were before... But if you hold on, you can soon be sitting in that Deluxe reclining chair with the nice massage function, right next to the best friend you will ever find : Jesus.

Mark 8:34-35
"Then he called the crowd to him along with his disciples and said:'If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me and for the gospel will save it.' "

The girl who won the battle for her seat ended up moving to sit with another friend two minutes later anyway, so what was the point, really? The point was that she wanted to sit there. She fought so hard for what she wanted, and it didn't matter about anyone else. All too often we find ourselves thinking about what we want in life, without giving a second thought to what God's plan for us might be.

Are we listening to him? And if we are, are we acting upon what we hear, or are we ignoring him, in favour of our selfish desires?

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