Saturday 22 March 2008

Shared Eternity.

And I realise that I've become the dramatic teenager, flung across my bed, crying into my pillows over a guy.

Not just any guy though. This guy cares about me so much that He sacrificed his life for me. Would do anything, did do everything, all for me. And all for you.

I'm going through a stage in my life which I'm struggling to explain or define when people ask about it. Until just now, that is. I had a picture of a hill in my mind. I'm almost at the top, and I can't see much of what is on the other side. Logically, of course, I need to keep climbing this hill, and I know that what's on the other side, although I can't see it, is safe. I guess I just needed God to give me a nudge and tell me what everyone else has been saying for almost two years now; God has an amazing plan for me.

' "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." '- Acts 17:11

I don't feel alone any more, although it's still difficult being the only Christian in a household of swearing, smoking, gambling, lying and shouting. I'm not perfect, and I appreciate that I'm probably difficult to be around at times too, but I often ask myself, and God, why I've been put in the situation that I'm in. As of yet, God hasn't given me an answer to that one, and I haven't found one myself.

"Arrested by Your truth and righteousness; Your grace has overwhelmed my brokenness."

I can't find a better way to describe the feelings I had when I was at the Cross a few nights ago, than that I was simply overwhelmed by God's Love, Truth, Grace and Majesty. It really is the safest feeling that there is. Knowing that there's nothing that matters more to Him than us.

"My whole life I place in Your hands."

So it's time again to give it all back to God. It's times like this when I imagine him with a giant sieve, just filtering out all the stuff I don't need in my life. And foolishly, sometimes I look back through the contents of the sieve, and pick up things that really, I could do without. Things or people that are causing me to sin, to give more attention to the worldly things I have than the Holiness I could have. If only I'd let them go before.

But we are called to be resurrection people. We don't need to dwell on the past, the trials, tribulations and things we've done wrong. We're alive, and surely, in the world we live in today, that in itself is a miracle. Although it doesn't end there. It doesn't have to end! We have a bright hope for our future, and that Hope came along with Jesus. After all, God gave us life... Christ gave us eternity.


Anonymous said...

You really seem to no what your talking about here. Personally, i cant say im a christian, but i do believe in god, and its truly insperational to hear all of this as i find that it makes me feel more secure about things... Keep up the good work Ellie. Your Admirer

Anonymous said...

You know if you follow that perfect plan and purpose for your life things can only get better. Trust Him and when the going gets tough keep running into His ever outstretched arms after all the one who created you saw that you were perfect He saw that what He created was good and God never lies!Love you Ellie Keep moving on with Him Val xx

Isaiah43 said...

Still waiting (patiently) for your nxt post about fishing?! x