Friday 10 August 2007


In many cases, submitting to someone, or something, is incredibly dangerous. The internet defines submission simply as 'the act of submitting; usually surrendering power to another.'

What are you submitting to?

I realised today while listening to the words below, just how difficult I make things for God by submitting to the wrong things or people sometimes.

'Little garden how do I make your flowers grow, when I already do everything that I know? I bring you sunshine and I bring you rain, but still you refrain.'

He provides me with everything I need, like sunshine and rain, but still, I don't fully submit to him, and do his will. Often, it will be because of other things I think I need, which I don't. Sometimes it is because we have submitted to the other things in life. Addictions, habits, the will of the world around us... etc. The list goes on.

God never gives up with us. He tries so hard, and, more often than I'd like to admit, we just don't take in what we should.

I've been worried for a while about my GCSE results. I have less than two weeks left before I find out which subjects I have passed, and which I haven't. I wonder occasionally; what would happen if I failed all of my subjects? I wouldn't be able to do what I want to. I didn't really stop to think about what God might want.

If that was really what God wanted for me, something which may publicly shame me, would I still submit to his will, or would I fight against him? Would I try to compromise what I believe for what I want, or what I expect? It worried me when I thought about it at first, because I truly wasn't sure. Then I realised that God would have an amazing plan for me if that really was his will. He has an amazing plan for my life anyway, and he has an amazing plan for you too.

Psalm 7:12-13 : 'If they do not change their lives, God will sharpen his sword; he will string his bow and take aim. He has prepared his deadly weapons; he has made his flaming arrows.'

God likes us to submit to him, because when we do, his plan works out. When we don't; now that's when the major disasters occur.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are in God;s hands if that is where you place yourself. Whatever happens God knows theplans he has for you and if you folloe Him you will achieve everything with Him whichever route you take Sue X