Saturday 10 January 2009

Sellotape and String

Recently, God's been doing so much in my life that I've started to wonder just who I am to deserve it all. As if He hasn't blessed me with so much already! But among these blessings have been some valuable lessons... Things I had already heard but happened to be too busy to be listening to. To be honest, we should never be ' too busy' for God. If we're working together with Him as our guide, then we can cope. After all, He never gives us things too big for us to deal with. When we don't listen to Him, things do become a bit more tricky, then they build up, and before you know it, a situation is seriously damaged.

So we try to fix it. We sellotape it together, or tie it with some string, and hope it will hold 'till we have time to fix it properly, or to take it to be mended. When I was younger, if something was broken, Dad fixed it. Dads are good at fixing stuff. Broken toys, punctured bike tyres, or even a grazed knee. Dad could make it better. The trouble is, when you grow up, your problems become bigger than a broken toy, a punctured bike tyre and a grazed knee. Bigger things get broken. Hearts, relationships, lives.

Sometimes, we think we can try to fix it. but we end up binding our hearts, relationships, lives and other situations with so much 'sellotape' that it becomes too difficult to get back through to the problem itself. Sometimes we tie cliches and kind words around our situations, hoping that it will just fix itself, or somebody else will do it. We use excuses and evasion tactics to try and avoid the issue. The whole time, there's our Heavenly Dad, reaching out to take our hearts, lives, relationships and difficulties into His hands and show us how He can really fix it.

The trouble with all our procrastinating and sellotaping is that it sometimes makes the situation worse. Wrapping things in sellotape sometimes means it takes a lot longer to fix them... You need to remove all the pieces one by one to get back to the original issue under all the problems on the surface. To make it easier for God, and easier on ourselves, we need to stop using sellotape and string, excuses and sayings, evasion tactics and kind words to fix everything. If you take your broken heart, broken life, broken situation to the foot of the Cross, and ask the Lord for help, he will help. He will break the sellotape and string binding your problems together, and cast your sin as far as the East is from the West. He will break your chains, and heal your heart.

At the foot of the Cross,
Where I kneel in adoration,
And I lay my burdens down,
I exchange all my sin,
For the promise of Salvation,
And your name across my brow.

We will wait at the cross,
a hungry generation

With our broken hearts and lives
Will You hear? Will You come?
Will You fill our desperation?

Oh God, let this be the time.